Wednesday 8 July 2015

I'm Really Awkward When It Comes To First Dates

I mean it man, I don't think you understand.
Do you really want to know what my favourite colour is or whether I prefer action to RomCom?
(Turquoise, and yes.)

It's just, I mean, we don't even know each other, you know?
Here you are, eating your food with table manners the Queen herself would rival, but in reality, all you want to do is scarf down a cheese burger and wash it away with a good craft beer. You're uncomfortable, I'm uncomfortable, even the waiter is slightly uncomfortable. And for what? Why do we put on a show for each other just to go back to our regular ol' selves in a month or two, when we're sure the other is not gonna leave?

So, I've decided to skip the whole "awkward first date" thing and get straight into the good, the bad and the most-probably-going-to-weird-you-out kinda ugly.
But first, here's a quick up-to-date list of things you don't need to know about me but I'll tell you anyway:
Hi, my name is Tayla.
I'm eighteen years and nine months old exactly, as of today.
I don't eat anything with a face. (No, I don't eat fish. Yes, I do eat eggs. It's not that difficult to get.)
I have very small feet.
I punch pretty hard (remember this when you're laughing about my feet.)
I am, in fact, a feminist, and no, I do not hate men.

I'm not quite sure if any of that was at all relevant to anything I'm going to post on this blog in the future, but hey, at least our awkward first date is over, right?

Now you can focus happily on whatever I'm going to post.
Hooray for you.

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